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Chen Van Loon Brewers


🍻 Beers

Beers Alcohol level Style
Pale Ale 5.40% Pale Ale - Belgian
606 Bitter Ale 6.00% English Bitter
Black Ale 7.50% IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale
Amber Ale 7.50% Red Ale - American Amber / Red
Summer Ale 4.70% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
White Ale 6.00% Witbier
White Beer - Witbier
Grape Ale 6.00% Italian Grape Ale
Neuenhofer 5.20% Kölsch
The Pie Shop Pieshop Lager 5.20% Lager - Helles
Saison 4.60% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Mao 5.20% Golden Ale
Taroko 5.20% Golden Ale
Special Edition - Spiced / Herbed Beer
Sterne 5i 5.20% Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Noof 5.30% Pale Ale - American
Sauvignon Ale 6.00% Grape Ale
Bigote Verde 5.20% Lager - Pale
Momentum - Saison 5.50% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Momentum - Cabernet Ale 7.10% Australian Sparkling Ale
Whisky Infused Ale 7.60% Strong Ale
Momentum - Kriek 5.70% Fruit Beer
9 Brünne Naturtrüb 5.20% Pilsner - German
9 Brünne Alt - Altbier
Momentum - Triple Sauvin 7.50% Belgian Tripel
Vigneron - Cuvée Du Patron 6.40% Pale Ale - New Zealand
Ibis - Message In A Bottle - Witbier
Kantaa 5.20% Golden Ale
Vigneron - Cuvée du Patron 6.40% Pale Ale - New Zealand
Black Ale - Strong Ale
Impact Ale Koa Infused No. 2 6.50% IPA - International
Traminer Ale 6.30% Italian Grape Ale
Momentun - Vigneron - Rosé 6.30% Grape Ale
Pinot Gris Ale 5.60% Grape Ale
Tropen Bier No.3 15.00% Pale Ale - American

👨‍🌾 Chen Van Loon Brewers

CVL Brewers - Beer Handcrafted by Winemakers. A point of difference.

What happens when two winemakers start making beer?

The beers have characteristics similar to those you find in good wines. They are well structured, highly aromatic and have a full flavoured body. This is the result of the complex interplay between different malts, hop varieties and yeast strains. All of our beers are handcrafted with natural processes and a secondary fermentation conducted in bottle to achieve a balanced and complex flavour. We use the very best ingredients importing a range of hops from Australia, Germany, New Zealand and America, whilst combining winemaking and beer brewing techniques to make the best beer possible.

CVL Brewers GmbH
Mattenweg 64
CH-5314 Kleindöttingen