🔥 Commander des bières en ligne 🔥

Brau Rebel


🍻 Les bières

Bières Taux d'alcool Style
Pale Ale 4.80% Pale Ale - International
Beeren Gose 3.80% Sour - Gose - Fruited
Funky Monkey 6.20% IPA - New England
Spez 5.30% Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Smokey Joe 4.10% Lichtenhainer
Mucho Mojito 4.30% Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse
Egyptian Lover 6.20% IPA - American
Nightshade 4.20% Sour - Fruited
Citra Citra Citra 5.00% IPA - Session / India Session Ale
May the Foreskin Be With You 6.00% IPA - American
Power Peach 4.20% Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse
Holy Moly 8.20% IPA - Imperial / Double
Funky Peach 5.00% Sour - Berliner Weisse
Clockwork Orange 6.00% Sour - Gose
Daylight 4.20% Sour - Berliner Weisse
Waiting For Better Times 6.30% IPA - New England
Dunkler Imperator 6.80% Stout - Coffee
Charlie P. 4.70% California Common
Hazy Mazy 6.70% IPA - International
Follow the Road to Darkness 7.00% Stout - Imperial / Double
Golden Flakes 4.80% Pale Ale - International
Just Beet It 7.50% Stout - Imperial / Double
Anti-impetial Stout 7.50% Stout - Imperial / Double
Funky Gorilla 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double New England
Kleinbasler-Pils 5.00% Pilsner - German
Porno Pils 4.80% Pilsner
The Dark Side 8.50% Porter - Imperial / Double
Collab 7: Quittenbier 5.90% Sour - Fruited
Eternal Dance 4.10% IPA - Session / India Session Ale
AAA-pricot 4.30% Sour - Fruited
Bierrevier Fucking Holy Pale Ale 4.80% Pale Ale - International

👨‍🌾 Brau Rebel

CH-4000 Basel