🔥 Commander des bières en ligne 🔥

Cayon's Brewery


🍻 Les bières

Bières Taux d'alcool Style
Life Is A Binch 6.40% IPA - American
Futura 5.00% Pale Ale - American
Bad Boy's Breakfast 10.90% Stout - Imperial / Double
Super Plus 6.50% IPA - Rye
Utopia 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double
Mothership 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double
's now White 5.50% IPA - White
Saison Birradelic 5.70% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Bad Girl's Breakfast (Rhum Barrel Aged) 11.00% Stout - Imperial / Double
Bitter 3.80% English Bitter
Collab With Myself 7.00% IPA - New England
Romand Noir 6.60% Stout - Imperial / Double
Bad Boy's Breakfast (Cognac Barrel Aged) 11.00% Stout - Imperial / Double
Fuziplus! 6.80% IPA - New England
Last Train 12.50% Barleywine
Cylure I 8.50% IPA - Imperial / Double
Faux Saints 9.20% Barleywine - American
Space Opera 8.00% IPA - American
Coconut Falls 7.00% IPA - New England
Double Futura 7.00% IPA - New England
Luizet 5.50% IPA - Milkshake
Cylure II 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double
Distopia 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double
Clonk! 5.00% Pale Ale - American
Banzai 5.50% Porter
TequIPA 6.80% IPA - International
Pops - IPA - American
Beermuda - IPA - American
Karstic 4.60% Golden Ale
Mes Tantes Cayon 10.90% Belgian Quadrupel
Hellertauer 6.70% IPA - International
Gamma GT - IPA - New England
Red Claude 8.00% IPA - Red
Fête Des Vignerons 6.50% IPA - New England
Gluten, Lactose & Rock&Roll 6.50% Stout - Milk / Sweet
Flower 1 5.50% Spiced / Herbed Beer
Medusa 5.50% IPA - New England
GroNoel Cayon 10.00% Belgian Quadrupel
Normale 5.00% Golden Ale
Redster 6.00% Red Ale - American Amber / Red
One Shot 2. Imperial Saison Saaz 7.00% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Explicit Content 8.00% IPA - Imperial / Double
Cul De Vaudois 12.50% Barleywine - English
Rye Saison 5.70% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Bobo - IPA - White
Go Fast 5.00% Pale Ale - International
Head Sanitizer 8.30% IPA - Imperial / Double
Gott Save the Kaiser 5.00% Pilsner - German
Warp Drive 4.80% Brown Ale - American
Fireworks Rental 5.50% IPA - Session / India Session Ale
Kombu/Seaweed 5.50% Porter
La Saison Sèche - Golden Ale
Bad Girl's Breakfast (2018) 11.00% Stout - Imperial / Double
Lance-Cayon - Brown Ale - English
One Shot 4 5.50% Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Force Jaune 6.60% IPA - International
British Mild 4.60% English Mild Ale
Sex, Gluten & Lactose 6.50% Stout - Milk / Sweet
Hazy Lazy Guy 6.00% IPA - Brut
Frutiger 5.00% Pale Ale - American
CuriosiTTy - IPA - Imperial / Double
Life's A Binch 2018 6.80% IPA - American
Kombu Porter 5.50% Porter
The Last Good Kiss 6.00% IPA - New England
Eschatology 6.50% IPA - New England
"La Binch" 5.00% Pale Ale - American
Fish 5.00% Pale Ale - New England

👨‍🌾 Cayon's Brewery

Cayon's Brewery
Chemin des artisants 11
CH-1860 Aigle