Brauerei Anderthaler
🍻 Les bières
Bières | Taux d'alcool | Style |
Bierä Tatzä | 4.90% | California Common |
Alte Stute | 4.70% | Altbier |
Wit Härgholt | 5.25% | Witbier |
Üri Rotliächt | 4.60% | Red Ale - Irish |
Winnie the Brew | 6.30% | Honey Beer |
Alehorn | 7.60% | Red Ale |
El Hefe | 4.40% | Specialty Grain |
Birnale | 8.40% | Red Ale |
Darjaleing | 5.50% | Porter |
Stoutlaw | 7.00% | Stout - Imperial / Double |
Hopflunder | 4.90% | Fruit Beer |
Schwarzbärli | 4.20% | Stout - Milk / Sweet |
Waterkeyn | 9.10% | Belgian Tripel |
Mintage Brew | 5.20% | Spiced / Herbed Beer |
Kvassnojarsk | - | Kvass |
Brouis XIV | 6.60% | Bière de Garde |
Four G | 6.50% | Bock - Single / Traditional |
Brewitoni | - | Belgian Blonde |
Hip Hopf | 6.00% | Golden Ale |
Hopf de Bäse | 4.20% | IPA - International |
Garam Masalea | - | Spiced / Herbed Beer |
Weiz Khalifa | 7.10% | Bock - Weizenbock |
Ginger Tonic | 4.70% | Golden Ale |
Mango De La Muerte | 5.90% | Fruit Beer |
Kaffka | 4.10% | Burton Ale |
Her Mashesty | - | Stout - Imperial / Double |
Will‘s Myth | - | Witbier |
Wild Male | - | Wild Ale |
Van Beethopfen | 4.70% | IPA - Session / India Session Ale |
Sh-oi | 4.90% | IPA - International |
Cerisia | 6.30% | Stout |
El Pumpo | 6.10% | Pumpkin / Yam Beer |
Chilicomecoatl | 4.10% | Hefeweizen |
Das Letzte Abendmalz | 10.70% | Barleywine |
Etterbeek | 6.00% | Farmhouse Ale - Saison |
Gürtelbier | 5.70% | Pale Ale - International |
Hopkick Murphy | 4.10% | IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale |
Krambambuli | 6.60% | Stout - English |
HOPUS DEI | 12.00% | IPA - Imperial / Double |
Luka Q. | 7.60% | Belgian Dubbel |
Nelson Malzela | 11.70% | Barleywine |
Handwerkerweizen | 5.40% | Hefeweizen |
Hop Gun | 10.80% | IPA - Triple |
IPA-Nema | 7.00% | IPA - International |
Mr. Stoutfire | 4.10% | Stout |
King Sascha | 8.80% | Belgian Tripel |
David Brauie | 9.00% | Stout - Russian Imperial |
Harry Porter | 7.20% | Smoked Beer |
Martin Lutra King | 8.80% | Belgian Strong Golden Ale |
IPAho | 5.70% | IPA - American |
Dubstep | 6.70% | Belgian Dubbel |
Hopfriedstutz | 4.90% | Golden Ale |
Stout of Control | 11.10% | Stout - Imperial / Double |
Mashville | 8.10% | Stout |
Geniuss | 4.90% | Stout |
Sidney Porter | 5.70% | Stout |
Anything Gose | 5.20% | Sour - Other Gose |
Stromale | 5.70% | Belgian Strong Golden Ale |
Anything Gose | 5.20% | Sour - Gose |
Stout of Control | 11.10% | Stout - Imperial / Double |
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